
Join us at The First National Championship in Axe Throwing by WATL SLOVENIA 2019

The first national championship in Axe Throwing by WATL SLOVENIA 2019 will be held on May 17, 2019 at Kajuhova 35 in Ljubljana – we promise a tense match and a crazy party! We have 16 finalists who will compete on May 17 for the title The First National Champion of the Republic of Slovenia in Throwing Axes.The tough competition of the tournament will be followed by the announcement of the winner and later we promise a rich entertainment and culinary program. This is the FIRST finals, the FIRST national championship, which is a unique and historically important sport event that should not be missed! Join us at the Axe Throwing Europe™ center at Kajuhova 35 on Friday, May 17, 2019, with the start of the tournament at 17:00. Do not miss this tense match and a crazy party.

2019-04-30T16:21:18+01:00April 30th, 2019|Novice|


Winter league!  #axethrowing On 16th of January we start with the first Winter Axe Throwing League in Slovenian history. What can be better than hot and fun sport with a lot of adrenaline which will warm you on cold winter nights! Gather a group of friends and come to the Axe Throwing Europe Center™ at Kajuhova 35 in Ljubljana, the space of openness, passion and fun. And what's the best? You don't need any pre-knowledge. And no one will force you to wear funny lumberjack shirts. Unless you want it yourself. Throwing axes is suitable for everyone. Even more! Are you looking for an idea for a good date? Are you home-based thrower who would finaly like to shine? Do you like to hang out with the best teammates? You can bring your girlfriends, boyfirends, parents and dogs to open events. Lone wolves are also welcome. The majority of competitors at the Winter League are [...]