
About natasa

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So far natasa has created 38 blog entries.

Conventa Best Event Award 2019 – Winner of the Audience!

We are proud that we've got recognized as the Unicorns! The "Conventa Best Event Award 2019 - Winner of the Audience" award is ours! It has been an honor to compete among 40 exquisite projects and we were flattered to make it into finals - but the fact that the audience voted for our projects knocked us off! Thank you, dear audience, thank you, dear Team, and thanks to every single player that you've recognized our Axe Throwing Europe#Sekiromet as one of the hottest trends in the group activities. Takole smo povedali: »Escape room Enigmarium and Orehov gaj experience designers have combined the gamification and communication skills to create something refreshingly new that grow from an unknown activity to a recognizable brand that everyone in Slovenia knows about, popular sport, outdoor unit, and mobile unit.  Axe throwing satisfies a nostalgic yearning for a supposedly simpler past with a form of entertainment that is refreshingly removed from [...]

2019-10-05T19:42:13+01:00October 5th, 2019|Novice|


Winter league!  #axethrowing On 16th of January we start with the first Winter Axe Throwing League in Slovenian history. What can be better than hot and fun sport with a lot of adrenaline which will warm you on cold winter nights! Gather a group of friends and come to the Axe Throwing Europe Center™ at Kajuhova 35 in Ljubljana, the space of openness, passion and fun. And what's the best? You don't need any pre-knowledge. And no one will force you to wear funny lumberjack shirts. Unless you want it yourself. Throwing axes is suitable for everyone. Even more! Are you looking for an idea for a good date? Are you home-based thrower who would finaly like to shine? Do you like to hang out with the best teammates? You can bring your girlfriends, boyfirends, parents and dogs to open events. Lone wolves are also welcome. The majority of competitors at the Winter League are [...]

Christmas tournament in throwing axes = crazy fun!

Christmas tournament in throwing axes = crazy fun! Congratulations to Katarina Marinč and Marko Vovk for the first places in Christmas tournament in throwing axes. You can see below a few highlights of the Christmas Tournament. Special thanks to all who came to compete in this really fun and addictive sport (and especially the amazing, fabulous and always smiling "Košutke" team) – and the wonderful The Exquisites who conjured up the real The Coyote Ugly atmosphere.

2019-01-08T15:43:35+01:00December 27th, 2018|Novice, Turnirji|